Casa La Doniccé, LLC

Creating all you can imagine . . .

Casa La Doniccé, LLC is an integrated communications firm, independently operated by Stylés Akira, and focused on strategic branding, marketing, and media production through an acute knowledge of issues such as audience congruence, timing, and the development of consumer preference based upon the influences of long-term trends in the evolution of popular culture, tastes, and aesthetics.

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The company's unique research based analytics and methodologies are highly proficient in devising strategies for competitive advantage, categorical distinction and high-level market impact.


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It's creative production unit specializes in the execution of these strategies through the careful employment of refined composition, studied articulation, and informed innovation. 


There is nothing we cannot dream.

The box was never a space for thinking, inside or out...It was merely a container for organizing thoughts once they’ve been developed to the point of practicality.
— Stylés Akira, Founder, Casa La Doniccé
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Stylés Akira

Casa La Doniccé architect, Stylés Akira is a brand expert and creative producer inspired by the human condition. 

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Strategic Branding & Marketing


Building unique listening experiences, Casa La Doniccé offers composition and production of every style and genre. 

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Make distinct statements with innovative designs crafted through the intense study of culture and visual aesthetics.

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Media Production


The company's expertise in media and marketing is predicated on intense training in the scientific discipline of Communication.

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Refined Composition, Studied Articulation, & Informed Innovation


The firm's high level research and analysis provides practical insights into the pathway to competitive advantage.

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Integrated Communication


From Letters to arts,   Casa La Doniccé is home to a robust engine of creative spark.

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Casa La Doniccé produces transitive media experiences spanning multiple communication platforms.

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